Q&A Alaw Fflur Jones - Aelod Iau y Flwyddyn / Junior Member of the Year 2019-2020

Alaw Fflur Jones

Aelod Iau y Flwyddyn
Junior Member of the Year 2019-2020

Pam ceisio am Aelod Iau y Flwyddyn?
Fel aelod, rwyf wedi derbyn nifer o gyfleoedd a phrofiadau ac felly roedd ymgeisio fel Aelod Iau yn gyfle i mi gael rhoi yn ôl i’r mudiad. Roeddwn hefyd eisiau fod yn lysgennad i’r mudiad ac i fod yn llais i’r aelodau iau. 
Why apply for Junior Member of the Year title?
As a member, I have had opportunities and experiences and so applying as a Junior member was an opportunity for me to give back to the organisation. I also wanted to be an ambassador for the movement and to be a voice for the younger members.

Beth oedd dy rôl dros y flwyddyn felly fel Aelod Iau?
Fel Aelod Iau, rwyf wedi cynrychioli’r mudiad mewn amryw o ddigwyddiadau yn ogystal ac arwain, stiwardio cefnogi a chynorthwyo.
So what was your role over the year as the Junior Member?
So what was your role over the year as the Junior Member?
As the Junior Member, I have represented the organisation at various events as well as leading, stewarding support and assisting.

Beth wyti wedi ei fwynhau fwyaf dros dy gyfnod fel Aelod Iau CFfI Cymru?
Heb os, uchafbwynt fy mlwyddyn fel Aelod Iau oedd cael ymuno yn nhrefniadau y Sioe Frenhinol a chael cyfle i gynrychioli’r mudiad ar faes y Sioe, ar y radio a’r teledu. Roedd cynrychioli CFfI Cymru ar lefel Cenedlaethol hefyd yn brofiad gwych ac ennill teitl Aelod Iau y Flwyddyn FfCCFfI.
What have you enjoyed most over your time as the Wales YFC Junior Member of the Year?
What have you enjoyed most over your time as a Wales YFC Junior Member?
Undoubtedly, the highlight of my year as Junior Member was joining in the preparations for the Royal Welsh Show and having the opportunity to represent the movement on the Showground, on radio and television. Representing Wales YFC at National level was also a great experience and winning the NFYFC Junior Member of the Year title.
